Chalkhills Digest Volume 1, Issue 395
Date: Tuesday, 29 November 1994

              Chalkhills Digest, Number 395

                Tuesday, 29 November 1994

Today's Topics:
                 Re: What to Collect NOW?
                Re: Chalkhills Digest #394
                "Explode Together" sources
                  Yet another new member
                   It takes me back too
                   I'm a mindless idiot
                Re: Chalkhills Digest #394
                    Another new member
                 The wrong instruments!?
               Re: New to this mailing list
                   Two-step on my heart
                      yellow pills?
                  Fab Foursome At Philly
                Please excuse me, i'm shy.
                         Any help
                      RE: Great Fire
           Drums and Through the Wireless Hill
               Another happy new subscriber
                         I'm back
                A non-XTC-related request


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The views expressed herein are those of the individual authors.

He comes back late, fool is irate, we will see his temperament.


Date: Sat, 19 Nov 94 18:26:09 PST
From: John Relph <>
Subject: Re: What to Collect NOW?

William Carroll <> writes:
>What about Robert Wegmann? He was mentioned some time ago and lately
>I've been debating whether I should write off for "Down to the Sea
>in Ships".

My original posting was a response to the question "what other
XTC-related music should I collect?"  So I left out other non-XTC but
interesting music.

But I agree, Robert Wegmann is worth checking out.  Also, Adrian
Belew's latest, _Here_, is excellent.  I enjoyed Matthew Sweet's
_Girlfriend_, Captain Sensible's _The Universe of Geoffrey Brown_,
Galactic Cowboys' _Space In Your Face_ (metal meets XTC/Posies,
crunchy with four-part harmonies and a sense of humour), Shonen Knife,
and many others.

>I've also considered "The Greatest Living Englishman", but of course
>haven't seen it in any stores.

I've seen it in stores all over the place.  It has been released in a
US edition, with slightly different cover art from the UK.  It should
be widely available.  Good stuff, too.  But you knew that.

>I haven't heard anything from either of these, but my curiousity is
>gradually chewing on me.

I'm waiting for Wegmann's rumoured forthcoming release.

        -- John


Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 22:02:30 -0500
Subject: Re: Chalkhills Digest #394

i have xtc doing that MTV thing "King for a DAY " BUT it was dubbed in ,
i also have them on Dave Letterman on VHS if there is a demand for this
perhaps i'll make copies.. Colin was dubed............


Date: Sun, 20 Nov 1994 13:41:38 -0500
Subject: "Explode Together" sources

As Dolph Chaney pointed out so lucidly in
Chalkhills #390, "Explode Together"
remixes/fractures/transmogrifies assorted
tracks from "Go 2", "Drums and Wires", and
various EPs and B sides.

"Shore Leave Ornithology (Another 1950)" is
clearly derived from "Pulsing Pulsing";
"Madhattan" is a transformation of "That Is
the Way".

But what about the rest of the CD? The first
5 tracks made up "Go +". I can identify
sources for only the first four:

"Dance with Me, Germany" from "Meccanic

"Beat the Bible" from "Jumping in Gomorrah"

"A Dictionary of Modern Marriage" from
"Battery Brides"

"Clap Clap Clap" from "I Am the Audience"

Anybody able to identify the others?

Gil Lamont


Date: Sun, 20 Nov 1994 22:03:30 -0500
Subject: Yet another new member

        Hello chalkhillians! I truly am thrilled to find this list. When I
first started playing around with computers back in August,I had no idea that
I would end up here. In any case, my connection to XTC goes back to my
college days --I was the tech. director of the radio station and we were on
Virgin Record's mailing list. A package arrived--and sandwiched in between a
couple of Steve Hillage discs was 3DEP!  I thought that it was ok--nothing
special, but like almost every XTC disc since-it grew on me untill I couldn't
stop listening to it.
         The first time I saw them was at CBGBs right before Barry Andrews
quit. My seat was at a table directly in front of the stage ---heaven!
         One of these days I will dig out all the XTC related stuff that is
stuffed in my closet and re-live some of my life looking at it.
     Anyway--before I get all weepy on you all I'll go back to reading
Chalkhills Digest--------later.....Philip Bradford


Date: Mon, 21 Nov 1994 01:39:19 -0500
Subject: It takes me back too

And now for a moment of "Dan's Perspective"
     I just wanted to echo the sentiments of a few posts I've seen here over
the last month or so.  It seems like every introduction that a new member
makes here ends up being this beautiful little window into a moment in
someone's life, you know "I've been listening to XTC since 19xx when my
(brother, lover, boss, best friend...) turned me on to (Drums and Wires,
Black Sea, Skylarking...)".  I know that for me, listening to the first few
tracks of English Settlement takes me back to those heady days of the early
eighties, new music, high school, first love and wide open possibility.
 There are not many bands from my youth that have become even more
significant to me and remained... relevant?... as I've grown older.  Joe
Lamy's post in the last issue was hardly elitist (if you're out there, Joe, I
get that same rush when I hear XTC; you described the sensation perfectly!)
 Andy, Colin and David put together a brand of music that consistently
remains down to earth (in a sometimes transcendent sort of way!). I'll always
be grateful that they decided to avoid becoming Rock Stars.
     BTW.  Before we start discussing how many Andys can dance on the head of
a pin, or how many Led Zepplins it would take to equal one XTC... the
statement that Oingo Boingo was derivative of XTC was, IMHO, way off base.
 To begin with, OB was formed in 1973 (as The Mystic Knights of the Oingo
Boingo), and owe more to, say, The Tubes than to XTC, particularly as far as
"gonzo" energy.  In fact, around that time, there were a number of West Coast
"art bands" that were moving in that same vein. I'd chalk any similiarities
in sound between XTC and OB (which are few) as being the result of two groups
who were recieving national exposure at around the same time and were
themselves part of the "sound" of the day.  Further listening to either of
their catalogs from then reveals two highly original bands.  I think that
alot of that had to do with the fact that in the early eighties (80-82),
Punk, Ska and New Wave hadn't quite formed into seperate camps, so you saw
alot of swapping of influences, and a rush to incorporate these "new" sounds
into pop music.  At the risk of sounding like an old fart, I sometimes miss
what my selective memory now calls those "innocent days".



Date: Tue, 22 Nov 1994 01:14:30 -0500
Subject: I'm a mindless idiot

For all of you wondering.  Yes, I am an idiot!  I somehow managed to delete
from my records all the requests for the Minneapolis KTCZ/KABL radio acoustic
tapes, or for the Road to XTC Puppet show.  I am very sorry.  Please e-mail
with your requests one more time and i assure you they will be taken care of

Feeling Stupid

aka Brian J.


Date: Tue, 22 Nov 94 12:50 EST
From: Jeffrey Langr <>
Subject: Re: Chalkhills Digest #394

 From Ayanna Gaines:
AG>>i have played classical piano for most of my life, and in several

I have been tinkering badly on a piano for most of my life... I had one
lesson when I was six...

AG>>as it is, i have "mayor of simpleton" in a single sheet format

I would love to get my hands on a copy.

AG>>but does anyone know if there are any collections of their songs

I also would love some collections of sheet music.  I have heard of an item
called "Eleven Different Animals", apparently pretty hard to get hold of,
which from what I've read is a songbook of songs from Go 2.  Not to sure to
be honest; this might be in the FAQ, or I'm sure somebody else out there

AG>>"ad hoc, ad loc, quid pro quo; so little time -- so much to know!"
AG>>      == jeremy hillary boob, ph.d

"I've got a hole in me pocket...", thanks for the quote.

Speaking of all the King Crimson talk: I highly recommend Adrian Belew's
"Here", which was recommended to me by someone else from Chalkhills, for
anyone who likes XTC. Q: I take it Adrian Belew went through a divorce or
something else traumatic a few years ago; anyone know?


Date: Tue, 22 Nov 1994 23:38:56 -0500
Subject: Another new member

How gratifying to find so many people have the same feelings about XTC as me.
 I first heard XTC on college radio in 1979 and purchased Go2 and Drums and
Wires.  I was hooked immediately and they have been my #1 favorite band
since.  I got to see them twice, too.  The first and best time was on
November 1, 1980 at the Stone in San Francisco.  Oingo Boingo opened and were
good, but XTC.  Oh my god!  The best word that comes to mind is "fierce,"
especially Terry Chambers.  He sounded like a superhuman android or
something.  Andy was extremely bright in a demented sort of way.  Colin was
sort of in the background visually, but pulsed musically.  And Dave Gregory
played brilliantly with a full beard.  Black Sea was to be released in a
matter of days and they played many of the songs from that album.  That is
the way I heard them for the first time.  If you've heard the BBC live CD,
that was about the same show.  The second time was about a year later, at
California Hall in SF.  Wall Of Voodoo opened.  Not as awe-inspiring but
still great.  I had tickets for their English Settlement tour, but you know
what happened then.  My favorite albums are Oranges & Lemons and English
Settlement.  Glad to be here.

Craig Vreeken


Date: Wed, 23 Nov 94 12:26:26 EST
From: (Patty Haley)
Subject: The wrong instruments!?

> She grows tired, cab is hired, she goes round to see her friend

OK, I'm stumped here:  Name that tune!

> From: Anshuman Duneja <>
>  They introduced it just as
> "Mr Brown" but I can't find that on the discographies.  All I know is
> that there's a middle-eastern ring to it and the chorus is "Are you
> sleeping Mr. Brown?  Don't you know the world is spinnig round?"  Or
> something like that...any help is great...thanks in advance.

Perhaps "You're A Good Man, Albert Brown"? by the Dukes of Stratosphere,
but I sure don't think there's a middle-eastern ring to it!

> From: (Lindley Sprague)
> I think he would like
> XTC. I thought that a 60-minute cassette would be enough for a start.
> Here is what I came up with:
> Side 1: Respectable Street        Side 2: Wake Up
>         Generals and Majors               Senses Working Overtime
>         All You Pretty Girls              Love on A Farmboy's Wages
>         Snowman                           Earn Enough for Us
>         Vanishing Girl                    Making Plans for Nigel
>         Mayor of Simpleton                No Thugs in Our House
>         This World Over                   Wrapped in Gray
> It was very hard to keep it down to 60 minutes. I doubt I would choose
> the same songs tomorrow, but I think I like what I came up with. I hope
> he does, too.

Sounds good to me, Lin.

> A couple of things struck me as I was listening back to the tape:
> 1) I think that "Wake Up" is Colin's best song ever, as good as anything
>    Andy ever wrote, and one of my all-time favorites by anyone. Dear God,
>    does it sound great cranked way up! Yowsah!

No, Dear God was on Skylarking and is by Andy. :-)

> 2) "Wrapped in Gray" is an incredibly beautiful song - the melody
>    actually made tears come to my eyes -really! It just tugged at my
>    heart a certain way, and out they came!

One of my top 10 all-time favorite *songs* of all time.  Worth the price
of Nonsuch alone.

> May I be the first to wish everyone "Merry Christmas"?

Looks like you were...

> From: "Benjamin J. Rubin" <>
> Did anyone notice that Andy messed up his lyrics on Drums and Wireless.
> He says,"The husband sucks his paper, burns his pipe" instead of "burns
> his paper, sucks his pipe" as heard on English Settlement.

Pissing myself laughing!  No, I didn't notice this, but it's soooo obvious
now that I listened to the song again.

Has anyone else noticed the drawing next to the, erm, Wireless and Drums
credits has Dave and Colin holding the wrong instruments!  That clearly looks
like Dave in the chair to me, while he's holding the bass, whereas the
Colin drawing is holding the gittar.  Yeah, maybe they switched just this
once, but this really jumped out at me when I saw it a couple of weeks ago.



Date: Fri, 25 Nov 94 10:47:43 PST
From: John Relph <>
Subject: Re: New to this mailing list writes:

>I found out about this mailing list last night at my local CD purveyor. I was
>buying "Drums and Wireless" and the owner and I discovered that we are
>apparently *the* two XTC fans in Sacramento

That wouldn't be Steven Reule of Obsessed With Music, would it?
(Could there possibly be *another* XTC fan in Sacramento?)

        -- John


Date:         Fri, 25 Nov 94 21:45:41 EST
Subject:      Two-step on my heart

I must agree wholeheartedly (if smooshed-heartedly) with Joe Laimy in
the last issue about the strong effects music (esp XTC music) can have
on the emotions.  But everyone does seem to have their own heartstring
list, don't they?  I agree on "I Remember the Sun" but "Mermaid Smiled"
leaves me a little cold.  It's nice enough, but that's it.  Now
"Optimism's Flames"  and "Rocket from a Bottle" (aside to "Are You Being
Served?" fans--can't you just hear Mr. Humphries saying "I, I, I--oh ho
ho ho"?) "When You're Near Me (I Have Difficulty)" "Ten Feet Tall"
"Extrovert" "This World Over" "Senses Working Overtime" "Poor Skeleton
Steps Out" "Love on a Farmboy's Wages" "Dear God" (even though I don't even
own it anywhere--I have only an old copy of _Skylarking_ and am dependent on
radio DJ's for it)--now there are some heart-stompers!

A lot of it has to do with associations--what was going on in life when you
1st heard it,but some songs just get to some people.  Anyway, I'm glad I'm
not the only one who has such strong reactions to music.  Lots of people
seem to think I'm strange when I go all misty-eyed over a song or I just
can't suppress a huge grin when "my song" comes on.  And maybe I am.  But
I'm not alone.

& I object to all the E-Mail that she picks up, the E-Mail that she picks up!



Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1994 22:21:44 -0800
From: Kevin Carhart <>
Subject: yellow pills?

I finally got ahold of one of the Yellow Pills compilations of American
Pop. It's all great stuff.. Shoes, 20/20, Parthenon Huxley (who produced
E) ,Matthew Sweet, Material Issue, Redd Kross.. the compiler invokes
the name of XTC on a few tracks as well as the Raspberries, Badfinger,
Big Star.  (Oh, there's a Posies song too...)
So I'm wondering if anyone has read Jordan Oakes' fanzine "Yellow Pills"
which is where this comp originated.  It sounds like it must be great,
right up the alley of XTC fans.

Kevin Carhart


Date: Sun, 27 Nov 94 0:42:00 PST
From: John Relph <>
Subject: Fab Foursome At Philly

I was just perusing a copy of _ICE_ (the oft-mentioned CD-oriented
magazine), and it is claimed within the pages of said magazine that
there is a new XTC bootleg CD available.  The CD is apparently
entitled _Fab Foursome At Philly_, recorded live in Philadelphia in
1979.  What concert is this?  Anyway, keep your eyes open.

Also, the remastered _Skylarking_ CD is on the shelves.  It's UDCD 615
 from Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs of the U.S. of A.  (Actually they're
based in Marin County, not far from my home in Los Altos, California.)
The booklet includes all the lyrics and photographs and is re-done in
the style of the original album cover.  Each panel is in the original
aqua, with the stylized bird in the background.  It's nice.  Although
I haven't had a chance to listen to it on my system, what I did hear
sounded fine.  Here's the discography entry:

       Summer's Cauldron (3'20); Grass (3'06); The Meeting Place
       (3'14); That's Really Super, Supergirl (3'21); Ballet for a
       Rainy Day (2'53); 1000 Umbrellas (3'41); Season Cycle (3'21);
       Earn Enough for Us (2'54); Big Day (3'32); Another Satellite
       (4'16); The Man Who Sailed Around His Soul (3'24); Dear God
       (3'35); Dying (2'25); Sacrificial Bonfire (3'50).
       + CD, Mobile Fidelity USA, UDCD 615, 15 November 1994.
         re-mastered reissue, gold CD, re-worked booklet.

By the way, I should be in Oxford, England, the week of December 5.
Anybody nearby care to try to meet?

        -- John


Date:         Mon, 28 Nov 94 01:51:07 EST
From: "Gene (Sp00n) Yoon" <ST004422@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Subject:      Mmmmmmm....Pumpkin

Hi-lo.  Had a very nice Turkey holiday (lots of pumpkin pie, of course),
but more so because while I was driving to my home in NJ I heard the new
Ballad cover by the Crash Test Dummies on WHTG Eatontown Modern-Rock-At-
I thought it was very good, but probably because it sticks more or
less with the original.  And Mr I-wanna-sound-just-like-a-cello Brad
Roberts doesn't sing lead, surprisingly, which instead is nicely done
by keyboardist Ellen Reid, who I always thought did marvelous soaring
backup vocals on their other songs.  The song is a natural choice for
an XTC cover by CTD, with its cutting-edge folksy feel (like the term?
I came up with it myself, I did) and neat harmonica parts just right
for Ben Darvill to do interesting twists with.  I didn't catch what the
DJ said about where I can find the damn song.  I went to that stupid Sam
Goodies in Morristown and they had nothing to say when I asked about a
new Dummies release (subtle pun, very dumb in and of itself).  Does
anyone know?

Random: I love I Remember the Sun, too.

Next album name game fun: Drive Your Brain Around; Patriotic Romance;
My Band Performs (the cover: a smirking Andy in a drum major's uniform
standing on a milk crate brandishing this big baton while Colin and

Sorry, had a little too much stuffing.



Date: Mon, 28 Nov 1994 10:55:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Please excuse me, i'm shy.
Organization: West Virginia Network

    Hello, my name is Neil Mcgowan, and i've just recently joined Chalkhills.
Please excuse me if i do or say something totally against etiquette (such as
misspelling etiquette.)

     Anyway, XTC has been my favorite band since 1989.  My favorite album
(of all time) is Skylarking.  I guess a person's favorite XTC album really
says something about who that person is, so that's why I started off with
that.  One of the things that really makes me like XTC is that for the last
five years i have gone about collecting all of their many albums, therefor
each one reminds me of certain times.  For instance, right now i am listening
to "Black Sea" a lot because it reminds me of November 1990.  Don't get me
wrong, though.  I mainly like XTC because of their music.

    I have all of their domestic albums plus Explode Together, Drums and
Wireless, and BBC Live.  I also really like The Sundays, The Beautiful South,
Blur, Big Audio Dynamite and Robyn Hitchcock, among others.

    I have no opinion on the "Boingo" issue, except to say that i feel that
anyone associated with The Simpsons is a good guy in my book, even if it's
only writing the theme song.

    I kind of like the new Thomas Dolby, but i don't love it.

    Finally, I'd like to say that the soundtrack for the movie "Dumb and
Dumber" has a version of "...Peter Pumkinhead" by Crash Test Dummies on it.
I haven't heard it yet.  I read somewhere that the leader of the Dummies is
an XTC fanatic, so it makes sense.

    Well, i'll sign off now.  Thanks for reading.

                                                              Neil Mcgowan


Date: Mon, 28 Nov 94 08:18:04 PST
From: pchuss@Corp.Megatest.COM (William Pat Chuss)
Subject: Any help

I've been out of touch with the digest for some time now (work presses
on you know), but I was wondering if anyone could lend a hand with a
question I heard on the They Might Be Giants list.  Someone asked:

> From: Anshuman Duneja <>
> To:
> Subject: Brian Doherty/XTC?
> Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.941123014906.21732A-100000@bullwinkle>
> I was reading in the paper today about the concert at the warfield (they
> also thought it was qual) but it said that Brian Doherty worked with
> XTC?  If anyone can tell me what he did or if he worked on any albums
> with them I would bestow many thanks!

I have a bunch of XTC, but I don't believe I've Brian on anything.  Of
course I'm more into the older XTC.


Willie Pat Chuss                Mom and Dad don't like me, they say I'm mean
Megatest Corp.                  and crude.  They try to make me a good little             boy by sticking downers in my food - DEAD MMEN


From: "Jim Slade" <>
Organization:  The Current Science Group
Date:          Mon, 28 Nov 1994 13:17:19 EST5EDT
Subject:       RE: Great Fire

I can't remember if anyone's cleared this up or if readers out there
still think that Andy Partridge is saying "fuck" after "I've been in
love before, but it's never been as hot as this" in the above song.
It's not that dirty word, but "smoke," as in "smoke curling round the
door," as in where there's smoke there's fire (and the reverse, in
this case).

BTW, I wasn't aware that anyone's even heard more than two songs from
Oingo Boingo let alone felt the need to mention them in the same
breath with XTC: Yukk!!!


Date:         Mon, 28 Nov 94 13:55:24 EST
From: Pete Dr5esslar <PDRESSL@CMS.CC.WAYNE.EDU>
Subject:      Drums and Through the Wireless Hill

whoops!  I assure you, I have no '5' in my last name.  Just a typo...

I have recently acquired both Drums and Wireless and Through the Hill.
Neither is my favorite XTC album, but I'm glad I bought them both.

Drums and Wireless costs 19 bucks here in Detroit, but my sister works at
a record store so I payed considerably less.  I agree with all the comments
about the cover; the artwork is very nicely done.  As for the music itself,
I guess my best description would be "not bad."  Of course all the tunes are
well played, but I am a bit dissapointed that there is very little new as
far as musical ideas go on this record.  I already own all of the songs, and
in many cases there is very little to differentiate the BBC versions from
their album counterparts.  This is especially the case with No Thugs IOH,
Seagulls SKHKH, Into the Atom Age, Dance Band, Roads GTG, and a few others.
However, some of the songs fare very well with only these minor adjustments.
I have never really liked Ten Feet Tall until this version; and I think
Andy sounds great in this recording of Real by Reel.
    The biggest departures from the originals are the Oranges & Lemons
tracks.  I don't think One of the Millions (the album version is one of my
favorite XTC songs) translated very well, but the more subdued Scarecrow
People is one of the best tracks in this collection.  It makes me want to
hear all of O&L "unplugged."
    I won't say this CD is terribly impressive or rewarding to listen to.
As I said, I'm glad I picked it up, because it is an interesting look
at some of the old songs, and I don't mind throwing some money the way of
Our Heroes who have honestly given me quite a bit of pleasure.  I just wish
they did Yacht Dance, or practically *anything* off of Black Sea.

Well, this is getting rather long.  So let me sum up by saying I liked
Through the Hill, but I wished some of the songs "payed off" a little more.
I don't mind quiet exploration as long as there's some resolution in the
end, but a lot of these songs had none.  The end track is quite astonishing,
though.  BTW, I think The Place of Odd Glances (track 7) was lifted right
off of Andy Summers' 2010 soundtrack.  I'll be really impressed if anyone
knows what I'm talking about...
     Be warned: Through the Hill is *not* XTC.  But it's not bad, either,
especially if you're in the mood.
-pete in detroit, mi, usa        
"What's the message that's written under the base of clouds?"


Date: Mon, 28 Nov 1994 17:43:58 -0500
Subject: (none)

Hey, I just signed up.  Cool.  I bought Skylarking and Pleased to
Meet Me by the Replacements the same day in '87.  Must be best day
ever.  Skylarking brought me and my sister together high for one of
the first times, creating family bonding.  Why does it always end up
being two or three years between albums?  The wife and I blasted
Garden of Earthly delights in our convertible rental car upon
arriving in Hawaii for our honeymoon in '89.  you'll spend it all.
Talk to me.


Date: Mon, 28 Nov 1994 21:28:19 -0600 (MDT)
From: Earl Stellar <>
Subject: Another happy new subscriber

First of all, I'm just another New Kid on the Net, so...:-)

Ah, XTC! What can be said that hasn't been said? I'm just happy to be a
part of a list that believes in the spirit of GOOD music.

The first time I heard the boys was back when my older brother bought
"Black Sea" - a very worn piece of vinyl that I'm proud to still own -
back when it came out. To this day I'm still absolutely certain that Andy
is THE most under-rated songwriter of the last twenty years, and those
who have disagreed with me have had "English Settlement" played at
mind-numbing volume until they agree!

Also, as far as this jangly business goes, I was in a horrible XTC
rip-off band for two years called The Towers (...of London). I'd hartily
suggest that we keep the jangling to the professionals!

Two questions though:

1) Techno Alert!: Does anybody have an idea of what model of Epiphone
bass Colin played back in the old days? There's of photo of him playing
a short-scale solidbody in this ancient issue of Cream that I have, and
I'm assuming that's it. What is it called, and how do I get  ahold of one?

2) Not Related Alert!: Since there was a lot of discussion in the last
volume of Chalkhills about King Crimson, and I'm fascinated by the
possiblities of finding music fans for any artist on the Net, has anyone
out there ever heard of JOHN OTWAY? I just want to make sure I'm not the
only guy in North America that's devoted. (Also, I read an article in the
old Circus magazine where Andy mentioned liking him, which was part of
the reason why I got into him.)

Thanks! Looking forward to this!


Date: Tue, 29 Nov 94 08:04:11 -0500
From: "Greg O'Rear" <>
Organization: UNC
Subject: I'm back

Well, I'm back after a long absence.  I moved from Florida to North
Carolina.  Forgive me if anything I say herein has been covered recently,
but I just resubscribed yesterday.

Dave Gregory is on the cover of and is interviewed in the current issue
of whatever magazine is issued by the American Diabetes Association (or
whatever it's called).  A friend of mine is diabetic, and she gets this
(monthly?) magazine.  It briefly discusses how Dave deals with diabetes,
but mostly it's about Dave as a musician.  Dave makes the cover, no less!
Greg O'Rear                        Computing Consultant IV
Administrative Data Processing     Novell Certified NetWare Administrator
University of North Carolina       E-mail:
440 West Franklin Street           Phone:  (919) 962-0821
Chapel Hill, NC  27599-1150        FAX:    (919) 962-0900
             Home page:


Date:         Tue, 29 Nov 94 11:14:47 EST
From: Pete Dresslar <PDRESSL@CMS.CC.WAYNE.EDU>
Subject:      A non-XTC-related request

Hey everyone, sorry to crowd the list, but I need to ask a favor.
Could somebody email me with the addresses and phone numbers of
Tower Records and Virgin Records in London?  I mean the big central hubs
there, I guess.  I can't find them, and I thought there'd probably be
someone on this list with a London phone book nearby.  Of course, you'd
have my eternal gratitude!  :-)
-pete in detroit, mi, usa        


End of Chalkhills Digest #395

Go back to Volume 1.

29 November 1994 / Feedback